Thursday, February 01, 2007

How Cold is It?

It has been damn cold in NYC lately. Manditory scarves, mittens, hat weather. When I ask a friend how cold it is, he replies: "It's so cold people are even saddling up near my mother for warmth."
Ignore the undeniable Freudian issues, and you still get the idea. It's really unpleasant out there.

So, I've taken to cooking manically. Today, I made Tuscan white bean soup. It was a pretty simple, except the prep time is like 36 hours, since you've got to soak the white beans overnight. At first they're a frightening site, all wrinkled and gross. But eventually they soften beautifully.
I also made a focaccia. I tried to time it so the bread would be done when the soup was ready, but the 36-hour prep. time thing really through me off.

Anybody have any tips for how to survive the winter? Any good winter recipes?