Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Candy Pushers

A few weeks ago I wrote about my rude treatment at Radio Shack in Santa Cruz. Today I have another customer service complaint--this time at Walgreens.

I went to pick up some photos and overheard the manager tell the sales people that they needed to "sell more" today. I couldn't really figure out what products they were expected to push until I reached the check out line.
"Your baby's so cute," said the woman at the register. "Have you tried the Heath bars? They are so good, and they're on sale, two for $3."

Now the Health bar is among my least favorite candy bar. It's undistinguished compared to the Kit Kat or Snickers. In fact, I can't really remember what's really even in a Heath bar.
I informed the sales clerk that I wasn't interested in candy at 10 a.m., and she promptly lost interest in both me and the baby.

Doesn't it take all the fun in impulse buys if someone's pushing to fill a quota?